My Divine Intervention of Stinky Pits: Finding a Natural Deodorant that Works

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Hey, y’all!

So, as you may have figured out if you’ve been around for a minute, I’m a gal that looks for natural alternatives - deodorant being one of those things. If you have ever been on the hunt for a natural deodorant that works, you may have given up because it is HARD, especially if you live somewhere that gets as hot as Texas. I have totally found myself in the situation where I sniff the air and *GASP* that smell my was funky pits. Thanks to hormones, detoxes, and my lymph nodes being damaged in a mono flare, my pits can get FUNKY. If your underarms need a glow-up, too, stick around.


Why Ditch the Traditional Deodorant?

I know what you may be thinking, “Nikita, if the traditional deodorant works, why ditch it?” Well, let’s talk about that magical ingredient that is in most of those traditional deodorants: Aluminum. 

While it may seem harmless, there are some legitimate concerns surrounding its use. Aluminum compounds, commonly found in antiperspirants, have been known to temporarily block sweat ducts, reducing perspiration, which is why it works so well. However, the real debate revolves around potential health risks associated with aluminum. Some studies have detected trace amounts of aluminum in bodily organs, raising questions about long-term exposure and its impact. The accumulation of aluminum in certain tissues has been linked to health conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Though the scientific community continues to investigate the subject, no definitive evidence has established a direct causal relationship, so you’ll need to decide for yourself if that is a risk you are willing to take or not. I have a personal experience with Alzheimer’s and am actively trying to avoid my risks through certain lifestyle choices, deodorant being one.

What’s wrong with most natural deodorants?

Well, besides the fact that some just DO NOT WORK…Baking Soda. Y’all. For the life of my pits, I cannot use any deodorant that has baking soda as an ingredient. I get itchy, rashy, and cranky. Well, according to some dermatologists, baking soda's alkaline pH can disrupt the natural acid mantle of the skin leading to all of those skin irritations and sometimes even dermatitis in some people. Because baking soda is abrasive, it can cause micro-tears in the skin, exacerbating irritation. No wonder why my pits scream at me anytime I have tried a deodorant with baking soda. If you are blessed with skin that can withstand the harshness of baking soda, you must have armpits of steel - and I’m slightly jealous. 

The Unicorn of Natural Deodorants:

So, after MANY trials and failures, I have finally found the holy grail of deodorant that meets my checkboxes: 

  • No aluminum

  • No baking soda

  • No junk like phthalates, sulfates, or parabens

  • No talc

Lume Deodorant. You may have seen the funny commercials on TV where a lady talks about using Lume deodorant in ALL the places ( know the places I’m talking about) to help combat body odor. 

Well, I decided to see if it lives up to the hype. Y’all, I could cry happy tears. Lume deodorant passed with flying colors! I took my first swipe, and lo and behold, the deodorant glided on like a dream. No clumpy residue, no sticky mess. Just a smooth application that made my underarms feel like they being nourished, not ripped apart like other brands. I remember breathing a sigh of relief. 

The true test, however, was to see how it lasted throughout the day, through various activities. So far, it has prevailed through the trials and tribulations of public transport, many arduous ARD meetings, working out, and even through playing with my son at the park on a hot Texas day. My armpits were put through the ultimate sniff test, and passed effortlessly each time. 

How Does It Work?

According to their website, Lume tackles the root cause of body odor (their claim is body odor is caused by bacteria on the skin digesting bodily fluids - excuse me as a I gag) through a proprietary blend of naturally derived ingredients, like mandelic acid, that work together to inhibit the activity of the odor-causing bacteria. It’s gentle formula is designed to be pH-balanced, ensuring compatibility with sensitive skin, which I can personally attest that it has done wonders on my uber-sensitive underarms. According to the manufacturer, Lume's effectiveness has been validated through rigorous clinical testing. Users have reported long-lasting odor protection, even in the most demanding situations. 

The Products

I originally bought the cream trial pack to see what fragrance I enjoy the best. I honestly feel that the deodorant works so well on balancing out all of the funk, that I do not really smell a fragrance on my skin once it’s applied, so I can’t really recommend a specific fragrance - they all worked equally well.

I have only tried the cream deodorant because of all my solid-baking soda trauma from before, LOL. Their solid deodorant holds up to the same standards though and I’m sure it is fine. 

I have tried their body wipes and they work amazingly well for those days when you wake up late and a sink bath is pretty much your only option before running out the door. I will say though, on those rare occasions, my Lume that was applied 24 hours prior held up pretty well! 

They also have a variety of products such as a hard body soap, a liquid body wash, and laundry odor busters.

Try it for Yourself

So, my dear friends, if you're tired of the stench struggle and seek divine intervention for your underarms, look no further than Lume deodorant. It saved my stinky pits, and it can save yours too! Trust me, you'll never look back once you've experienced the miracle of Lume.

Until next time, stay fresh, my friends!


1. American Academy of Dermatology, "Contact Dermatitis."

2. Loden, M., & Maibach, H. I. (2000). "Dry skin and moisturizers: Chemistry and function." Dermatologic clinics, 18(4), 557-570.

3. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, "Public Health Statement for Aluminum."

4. Exley, C., & House, E. (2011). "Aluminium in the human brain." Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 159(10), 1072-1076.

5. Rondeau, V., Jacqmin-Gadda, H., & Commenges, D. (2008). "Aluminum and silica in drinking water and the risk of Alzheimer's disease or cognitive decline: findings from 15-year follow-up of the PAQUID cohort." American Journal of Epidemiology, 169(4), 489-496.

6. Lume Deodorant Official Website:


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