The Benefits of Daily Movement and Realistic Ways to Fit It Into Your Schedule

Disclaimer - Y’all, I am not a doctor. Whenenver you are planning to start a new workout or think about changing your medication, please CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. Be safe out there!

Hey y’all!

With our busy lives, finding time for exercise can feel impossible. But daily movement isn't just about hitting the gym—it's about integrating small, manageable activities into your routine that can make a BIG difference. Not sure about why daily movememt matters?? Then, let's dive into why daily movement is crucial and how you can fit it into your schedule, no matter how hectic life gets!

Why Daily Movement Matters…

Boosts Physical Health

Daily movement plays one of the biggest roles (next to diet) in maintaining and improving your physical health. Here are some key benefits:

  • Improves cardiovascular health: Regular activity helps strengthen your heart and improve circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease…and y’all, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in women! It’s time to get our hearts pumping and strengthen up that love muscle.

  • Strengthens muscles and bones: Participating in weight-bearing activities, like walking or lifting light weights, can help maintain muscle mass and bone density…and ladies, this is so important as we get older! As we age, our bone density decreases, so let’s be proactive get to steppin’ and lifting those weights! 

  • Enhances flexibility and balance: Incorporating activities like stretching or yoga can improve your flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries…and let’s be real, sometimes it's better to be flexible than it is to be super strong. Being bendy helps prevent injuries. I don’t know about you, but I do NOT want to be the lady that calls 911, saying she has fallen and can’t get back up.  

Mental Health Benefits

Okay, so we all know that daily movement is good for our bodies, but did you also realize that it’s good for mental health too?! Intentional daily movement can have profound effects on your mental wellbeing:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. It also helps reduce levels of the body's stress hormones. I’m telling you, being active is like nature’s Xanax…well, for me anyways. I can tell 100% when I’ve missed my workouts. I’m moody and quick to snap at my love-bugs. 

  • Improves mood and mental clarity: Regular movement can help combat feelings of depression and anxiety, leaving you feeling more positive and focused. Sometimes it really is this simple. Feeling sad….well, have you moved your body lately? (Note - Please remember, I’m not your doctor! If you are medication for your mental wellbeing, please do not stop taking any medications you are currently prescribed without talking to your doctor first. I choose to not take medication and try holistic remedies first, but I know that’s not for everyone. Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you!)

  • Enhances sleep quality: Daily activity helps regulate your sleep patterns, ensuring you get a restful night's sleep…just make sure not to workout right before bed. If you’re anything like me, getting your heart pumping too close to bedtime may keep you awake at night. 

Increases Energy Levels

If you often find yourself feeling sluggish, incorporating movement into your daily routine can be a game-changer:

  • Combats fatigue: Regular physical activity can help boost your energy levels by improving your cardiovascular system's efficiency…basically a body in motion will stay in motion. 

  • Enhances overall productivity: Increased energy and improved mental clarity can make you more productive in your daily tasks…whenever I workout first thing in the morning, it helps me have a positive outlook on my day. I already accomplished a task off my list and am ready to conquer everything else that comes my way. 

How to Fit Daily Movement Into a Busy Schedule

Okay, so now you know that daily movement is not only good for your physical health and mental health and now you want to jump in, but feel overwhelmed. Well, stop right there! Do not let analysis paralysis get you down on getting started. Check out these practical tips below on how to incorporate daily movement into your daily grind so you can start feeling better physically and emotionally…

Start Small

You do not need to commit to hour-long workouts to reap the benefits of daily movement. Trust me - right now, I’m getting in about 25-30 minutes of intentional workouts and I feel just as good as if I had worked out for an hour. Try to focus on starting with short, manageable activities like a 10-minute walk around your neighborhood or a quick stretch in the morning. Whatever you are doing, be intentional about it. 

Make It Fun

If you enjoy a workout, you’re more likely to repeat it, which makes that a win! Find activities you genuinely enjoy. Whether it's dancing around your living room to a YouTube dance-video,  playing with your kids, or joining a fun fitness class…the best workout is one that you will actually show up to do, so have fun! 


Look for opportunities to combine movement with daily tasks. Stretch while watching TV, do some squats while cooking, or take phone calls on the go. After lunch, I do not have the time to go for a short walk, but I sure can bust out 20 air-squats to help balance my blood sugar. It doesn’t sound like much, but these small changes can add up over time.

Set Realistic Goals

Using tools like fitness trackers can help you set and achieve realistic daily movement goals. It’s good to start with a target that’s achievable based on your current lifestyle and then work your way up from there.  I have been using my Bella Leaf fitness tracker to help track my steps (this is seriously the only fitness tracker I have found that doesn’t give me that deep-bone ache feeling…if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out my blog post about the Oura Ring here). For logging my workouts, I use the Bodi app, previously known as BeachBodi.

Utilize Breaks and Downtime

Use breaks at work for quick exercises or stretches. Whenever I’m in the office, there is a group of us that will take a 15 minute break to walk a few laps around our office building - it helps us get away from our computers, helps us get in some steps, and helps our moods. It has made a huge difference in helping us all to look forward to something as a group each morning. If I have a full day of ARD meetings, in between each one, I will try to walk the halls on my campus before I have to sit through another hour long ARD. If you’re not able to take a break apart from your lunch, maybe spend 5 minutes of your lunch break taking a short walk. 

Family Involvement

Get your family involved! I know it’s not always easy, BUT, I swear, the days my family and I are outside, playing some sort of games are my favorite days! Some things you can try include going for bike rides, having a dance-off in the living room (this is one of our favorite things to do in the summer!), or even taking a quick trip to the park. Lately, our favorite thing to do when all of the cousins are together is to play 4-square. It may sound cheesy, but it’s worth it! If you have kids, think about the positive example you are setting for them. 

Put It On Your Schedule

If you are wanting to commit to working out, put it on your calendar like you would any other appointment and do it! Right now, life is just too crazy for me to get in a workout after work. I feel like I don’t have the time to get my son home, cook dinner, clean up, workout, do bed-time duty, and then feel like I spent any quality time with my family. So, for right now, and into the unforeseeable future, I wake up around 5 am (AND I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON…like, at all) and get in my workouts here at the house. I am using the Bodi app and am loving that I feel that I can get in my workout while the house is quiet. If you are interested in using Bodi as a workout curriculum, let me know and I can get you hooked up! If you are on a budget, YouTube has some great free options, like Caroline Girvan’s channel.


Y’all, incorporating daily movement into your busy schedule doesn't have to be hard. Please do not make it more difficult than it should be! By starting small, making it fun, and setting realistic goals, you can experience the benefits of moving your body. Remember, it's all about finding what works for YOU and making it a part of your day. It only takes 21 days to make a new action into a habit - so start those healthy habits now!

If you are wanting to workout or have a goal to move your body more, I would love to hear what part of this article was helpful. Please feel free to share your favorite ways to stay active in the comments below! 

Also, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @livingwithnikita - I have fun over there, keep it real, and can’t wait to connect.


  1. Mayo Clinic -

  2. NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center -

  3. Harvard Health -

  4. Anxiety and Depression Association of America -

  5. CDC -

  6. John Hopkins Medicine -

  7. American Heart Association -

  8. Harvard Business Review -


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